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Volunteers Packing Food

Ramadan Donation


Assalaamu’alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

We pray that this message reaches you and your families safe and in the best state of health. By Allah’s mercy, we are very privileged to witness another blessed month of Ramadan. A month of reflection, seeking protection and forgiveness from Allah (SWT) through remembrance and charity. There are millions of people less fortunate than us who cannot secure a meal a day, lack access to safe drinking water, and are living in poverty.

Muslim Family Aid is working to provide communities in need with these essential keys to life and empowering orphans and their families by giving them the necessary tools, to help them secure a brighter future. However, none of this is possible without your support. By giving your Zakaat, Sadaqah, Fitra and other Ramadan donations today through Muslim Family Aid, you can change lives for better and make a difference to someone’s life forever.


Smiling Child

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Abu Huraira (R.A) reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“Charity does not decrease wealth, no one forgives another but that Allah increases his honor,and no one humbles himself for the sake of Allah but that Allah raises his status.”
(Sahih Muslim 2588)

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